Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What a difference a week makes...

 Melanie is so happy to hold Ema un-swaddled! 
It's so much easier to snuggle without the blankets.

Ema is able to go longer without her pacifier, too.
She's becoming the happy little baby that has been locked up inside.

Look!  Her little right hand in open! 
She was able to stay up on her arms while
holding her head up for quite awhile. 
She is getting stronger! 

Ema is able to sit up using a drum to lean on. 
She is looking at herself in the mirror...having a great time!

*     *     *
This exercise strenthens both sides. 
She leans on her weaker side (right side) & reaches with her left hand.

In one of the first therapy sessions Ema had in Bozeman, Rick & Melanie were told that black & white toys were the best to use.
They had this police car which winds & lights up.
One of Ema's favorite toys.  Perfect!
She loves watching it drive back & forth. 

Aunt Amy was able to go over for the weekend for a little more snuggle time!

A splint was made for Ema to keep her teeny little hand open & train the muscles to go in the right direction.

The smiles just keep coming!

We thank & praise the Lord for all He is doing
& already letting us see answers to prayer.
We're thankful that so far, Ema's prednisolone does not
have to be increased.
Another EEG is scheduled for March 9th.

Happy, happy little girl!
Emaline Joy Musson

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